Saturday 11 June 2011

IPv6 will be ad-free temporarily, says Digital Element

A few days back, some of the largest dot com companies participated in an exercise to test out their IPv6 readiness. The move to IPv6 is unevitable as the world rapidly runs out of IPv4 addresses. Digital Element, an geo location company that works closely with advertisement companies claims that moving to IPv6 might be the most effective way to block ads, at least for the time being.
Transition to IPv6 is inevitable as IPv6 addresses run out
Transition to IPv6 is inevitable as IPv6 addresses run out

As almost every single advertisement agency is still running on the IPv4 network, switching to IPv6 might might save you from all the ads that show up on web pages. Also, Digital Element provides data on the location based on a database of IPs on the IPv4 network but a similar database for IPv6 addresses isn’t available yet. This means advertisers won’t be able to target specific audience. This information should only be available after the end of 2011 and sometime in 2012. Till then, the web should be a somewhat ad-free environment once the transition to IPv6 takes place.

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