Monday, 20 June 2011

Friendthem Allows You to Add Facebook Friends Around You

Friendthem is an iPhone app that allows you to friend people around you on Facebook. The goal of the app is to reduce the friction involved in friending people on Facebook, which is usually an important step in keeping in contact with people you meet for the first or second time. The app is free and is designed to allow users to friend people around them on Facebook, right away or file the friend request away for later. The idea is that when you meet someone, and want to keep in touch over a social network, you could go home and forget their name, or find a million results for that name.
Location based Facebook friend adding
Location-based Facebook friend adding

The way to get it to work is pretty simple, you just sign into Facebook and that's how you connect with the app. However, the other person also needs to have Friendthem on their phones in order to work. Once you sign in, you choose what information you want visible and if you don't want people to find you say at the office, or on vacation, you can put up 'geo-fences'. There are of course, two downsides to this application that are somewhat interrelated. Firstly, this is yet another application people have to download to be social. Also, people can find each other and friend each other on Facebook mobile apps a lot easier. And if there are multiple results for the same person, you can always just ask the other person which result they are (without being too terribly dorky)

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